Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Celcom Background free essay sample

This problem usually occurs during a festivals month and also when there is a celebration. However, it is disappointing when Celcom telecommunication network facing this problem, they could not handle it properly. It had been revealed that Celcom has already noticed that the phone lines was down earlier in the morning but they still did not making any actions to solve this problem. This interruption had caused a sudden overloading and also loss of signal in some areas. It has been a daily issues for many of the mobile users regarding these sudden dropped calls. It may be a normal experience if it does not occur often. However, it had caused dissatisfactions and frustrated many of mobile phone users as this problems keep on happens without any actions taken by the Celcom Company. This problem is surely do not meet the company standard of quality of service and it will also make the users feels unhappy as they do not meet the company standard of quality of service and it will also make the users feels unhappy as they are receiving services which is not suitable with what they had being paid for. We will write a custom essay sample on Celcom Background or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As the compensations to the customers, Celcom show its appreciation by giving out some form of discount for customers who are experiencing sudden dropped call.

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