Saturday, December 28, 2019

Importance Of Ethics In Different Fields - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 1992 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/08/07 Category Business Essay Level High school Tags: Business Ethics Essay Did you like this example? Computer Ethics The field of ethics (or moral philosophy) is the systematization, defense and approval of ideas of appropriate and inappropriate actions. Nowadays, thinkers usually divide ethical ideas into three general matters: metaethics, normative ethics and ethics. Metaethics investigates the historical roots and understanding of our moral principles. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Importance Of Ethics In Different Fields" essay for you Create order Are they social inventions alone? Does it involve more than expressions of our emotions? Metaethical responses to these questions deal with the issues of universal truths, Gods will, the role of reason in ethical and moral decisions, and the meaning of ethical terms. Normative ethics suggests a more realistic task of achieving moral values that regulate positive and negative conduct. This may involve outlining the healthy habits we should develop, the practices we should undertake, or the impacts of our conduct on everyone else. By using the philosophical methods of metaethics and regulatory ethics, dialogues in applied ethics attempt to fix these sensitive issues. The differences between metaethics, regulatory ethics and applied ethics are often blurred. For example, the issue of abortion is an ethical dilemma because it involves a certain sort of controversial conduct. But It often hinges on more general normative values, such as the right to self-government and the right to libert y. If you think that ethics is all about living a more moral and principled life, you have to practice it everywhere, even in the computer field, where you would sooner or later face a software piracy dilemma. When we speak of computer ethics, software piracy reflects pornography, spamming, unauthorized access to someone elses computer and first and foremost hacking in our minds. What then is computer ethics? As with the moral code of conduct in routine matters, computer ethics relates to the behavior of computer professionals and ordinary computer users in computers and the Internet. Computer ethics, also known as the ethics of information technology, addresses the moral and ethical application of computer applications, software and data storage. Computer ethics is becoming increasingly important because of the increasing number of cybercrime issues, including software piracy, unauthorized access, pornography, spamming, target marketing and hacking. The wide scale stature and use of th e World wide web raises a series of challenges such as cybercrime and safety. Some of the prominent advantages of malware, spyware, freeware and web browser cookies are web applications that stimulate discussion of the significance of ethical behavior in advanced technology. Even though incidents of intentionally malicious acts of immoral computer behavior are certainly not lacking, the majority of ethical shortcomings are simply due to the lack of user safety and the lack of organization stature. There are different types of issues in Computer Ethics, the most notable ones are listed below. TYPES OF ISSUES IN COMPUTER ETHICS: Computer Crime: Computer crime is an intellectual crime of white collar. Those who commit these crimes must be sufficiently intelligent to manipulate and access a computer system. An example of computer crime is the use of computers to steal money. The worst thing a thief can do is often that he / she only has the money he / she has stolen. This person is often fired if he / she is an employee, but his / her ability allows a competitor to hire him / her quickly. This makes it almost impossible to prevent computer robbery, as legal action is not often taken against the perpetrator. Another example is unauthorized access to your computer. The perpetrator can steal a companys trade secrets and data by entering an unauthorized computer. Such a crime could be committed by a worker who wants to sell these secrets to a competitor in order to promote his or her own well- being. This offence involves an invasion of property and confidentiality and also impacts the system itself. This crime is part of the pur pose of hacking. Hacking is defined as any computer activity that is not sanctioned or approved by a system or network owner.   Such an activity addresses the ethical dilemma of who possesses information and who should have access to it. Computer science lecturers at many universities have their students demonstrate their serious computer skills in the university system. This creates a serious dilemma for ethics. Since students arent really destructive to the system, can this measure be denounced or acknowledged ethically? Many computer professionals believe that this act is not investigated ethically and that computer science teachers must tackle computer ethics more fervently in their classes. Privacy Another field of computer ethics concerns privacy. The issue of privacy focuses on the most basic functions of the computer, its ability to store, organize and exchange records. A great deal of concern is the amount of information collected by computers. This puts personal information about individuals in a vulnerable position. All this information is available to him or her if someone accesses into a computer system. In this way, offences such as identity theft can occur. In addition, the effect of a minor error can be doubled if stored information can be easily swapped. Such errors can remain indefinitely in the system. Computers are responsible for creating the possibility that incidents in ones life or errors in ones records will deeply affect ones perception and treatment. This effervescence appears to have lost people control over their lives and information about them. Computer- based records do seem to have both good and bad consequences. One good consequence is that the requirement for information of an organization suggests that access to relevant information could improve decision- making and therefore make organizations more useful. This, in turn, gives the individual a positive outcome because better services or savings could be achieved. There are still bad consequences, however. These refer to the fact that Information is used to make individual decisions and such decisions may be based on information that is irrelevant and incorrect. There is no way to ensure that this access to information makes fair use of the authority exercised by organizations. The need for information from an organization and the interests of the individual should therefore be balanced. Ethical responsibility of IT pros Yet another source of concern is the understanding of computer systems by professionals in the computer profession. Computer specialists can act in one of two ways: if it is unknown, assume that case in the public domain until evidence is found that it is not; or suspect that, unless undisclosed or uncertain, information is confidential. It is beneficial for a professional to adopt the second rule because it allows the professional to protect himself against ethical inconsistencies, while the first allows for a greater chance of moral breach. There are numerous reasons why computer professionals complain about this distribution of power. Firstly, growing responsibility on the shoulders of some often tends to lead to the exploitation of others, and this is an ethical dilemma. Computer professionals should be required to use the info they have access to carefully, but some have chosen to use this information recklessly at the cost of others. A professional computers real strength is al so a threat because it is properly centralized. Computers actually allow large amounts of information, as explained above, to be stored in a small area. This centralization was rightly concerned because people argued that there is a constant battle between government and citizens in a free democracy, so that the control and input of citizens can become less and less efficient as law enforcement agencies become more and more strong. Some people fear that their privacy will be compromised if the government has too much influence and power. Those who dont want to see computers in government, but in peoples hands, oppose centralization. This idea of centralization corresponds to the idea that technology helps to distance itself. Alienation is linked to the loss of control in the world you live in. This is clear because computers have taken over jobs that once belonged to people thanks to advances in modern technology. This technology has shifted from computer professionals to the thinki ng of ethical decisions of the business world. IMPORTANCE OF COMPUTER ETHICS Prevents Misuse of Personal Information: Computers, whether individuals or professionals, brought the world closer. Most of us find buying more easy than leaving online. We must provide our personal information, such as name, date of birth and, most importantly, credit card information! If you know that people do not obey computer ethics everywhere, would you feel secure to share all this information? You know that your personal information is not misused in accordance with cyber laws and regulations and computer principles. Prevents Theft of Intellectual Property What does intellectual property actually mean? Well, unlike physical property like home or car, intellectual property refers to the property that the mind creates! The Internet has multiple intellectual properties, such as works by researchers, editors, artists, and so on. Without it, the work produced by the intellect of one individual can easily be copied and used by another. Globalization: Today, computer and technology ethics are rapidly transforming into a wider social and more important profession, which may reasonably be called global information ethics. Social Media and the world – the wide web connects people around the globe. Attempts to establish common ethical standards and attempts have been made to help develop mutually acceptable ethical standards and efforts to encourage and protect moral principles in a truly international sense. Global Cyber business: The world is very close to having technology that can provide electronic privacy and security on the internet. The technology will be sufficient to safely conduct international business transactions. Once it is in place, there will be a rapid growth of cyber business all over the world. Nations who already have a technological infrastructure will enjoy rapid economic growth, leaving everyone behind in the process. Keeps you from being Unethical: You dont have to use computer ethics to prove to the world. However, by adopting this ethics you would know what to do to be a responsible user and avoid unethical issues. Are you disturbed? Well, yes, there are several laws that can put you behind bars if you breach each websites privacy policy and requirements. Computer ethics cannot be imposed on you, your own will and desire must be fulfilled. You and your ethical values talk a lot about how to use your computer to access information. What would you do if you had the password of your friend? Would you ask him or her to change it because you discovered it mistakenly, or would you try to get some information you shouldnt? There are two different types of people in this world, one who follows the rules and respects them, and the others who dont really care. Should you be concerned about ethics to be a responsible citizen? Youre choosing it! However, if you are actually caught, be assured that the authorities wont care about you as well! In the end it can be said that following ethics is important in every field, be it technology or anything else because it provides certain safety measures, its protects people from being used for certain purposes, it helps build relationship between different members of the society. Moreover, it creates a sense of awareness that what is right and what is wrong. In today’s world, the use of technology has increased and people have started using technology to hurt people around them or to bring them down or to make them feel inferior. It’s better to use the resources available to us for a better purpose rather than misusing it and creating chaos in the society. If we make better use of the things available to us, we can all progress well and achieve heights in life that we never imagined. Sometimes we have to think from different perspective, use our imagination and make efforts to achieve something real in life. If we follow computer ethics, we can protect our privacy as well the privacy of others and keep the globe safe from un expected global internet issues.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Analysis Of The Book The State Of Israel Rich

Summary and Analysis of the Mazie Book The state of Israel—rich in tradition and innovation, has in its short existence been one of the most politically interesting phenomenons in the modern world. The state, since the signing of the Declaration of Establishment in 1948 has created a specific form of democracy not seen among many countries throughout the world; democracy which incorporates religious law as well as judicial and social law. Within Israel’s Higher Law, written by Steven V. Mazie, religion and liberal democracy are discussed in regards to the Jewish State. Mazie focuses on the struggle between liberal democracy and religion, and how both affect the two types of people living in Israel—Arabs and Jews. Both groups of Israelis†¦show more content†¦Separation of church and state is essential in creating a liberal state. Within a liberal state, religion should be expressed and practiced in a private setting. This idea of separation of church and state emerges from the beginning of th e United States. Thomas Jefferson coined the term a â€Å"wall of separation†, which defines the relationship between religion and government. Although many problems arise out of government and church intertwinement, strict separation is not the most practical answer in today’s world. States that show toleration for the vast majority of religious views while still focusing on the main religion are more likely to work within a democratic and liberal spectrum than those who demonstrate strict separation. Chapter 1 begins with, â€Å"One of the most familiar ideas of contemporary liberal thought is the State and Church must remain separate† (Mazie 3). This idea which Mazie expresses is commonly seen as the best way to secure religious freedom. Mazie uses arguments by John Locke to better express the idea of religious freedom within a state. In John Locke’s â€Å"Letter Concerning Toleration† he claims the attempt by government to oppress religion has caused many of the wars in the Christian world. Toleration, seen as the main ingredient in John Locke’s proposal, is also Mazie’s key to social harmony and stability. Mazie designates chapter two for the discussion of Israel as

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Critique Of The Presidential Leadership Models To American Presidents

Question: Discuss the critique of the Presidential Leadership Model. Answer: The presidential leadership involves a complex responsibility of leading the nation by establishing opportunities to move in new directions and leading others in turbulent time. In this regard, extraordinary leadership skills are necessary to enhance the ability of the president face divisive governments and partisan polarization. To meet the institutional, political and personal capacities, Paul Quirk posits three different presidential leadership models that foster success. The models provide perspectives that can be utilized to understand leadership in the modern presidency better as well as evaluating the performance of a selected individual president. Critique of the Presidential Leadership Models The models of presidential leadership are based on applying the individual competence in executing the roles and responsibility held upon by the presidents position. The first model includes the self-reliant presidency which is based on implementing a personal approach to addressing the issue of governing the people. Unlike other leadership models, the autonomous model ensures the individual president bear a significant share of responsibility in addressing problems and challenges facing the country. The model requires the president to have sufficient knowledge, literacy and education necessary to manage the resources or handle challenges wisely. The role promotes the chances of the president playing the greater role in the achievement of goals and creating opportunities for new directions[1]. The second model involves the minimalist presidency. According to research, the model requires the president to have little or no understanding of selected issues rather depend on subordinates to address such problems. According to the model, the president has a more limited role as a facilitator of change. The model appears ineffective in ensuring the president plays the role of addressing challenges or providing directions and support to achieve national policy rather makes the presidency a passive role. However, the model promotes the distribution of power to the subordinates compared to the self-reliant presidency model[2]. The third model involves the strategic competence model where the president had less knowledge about the operations but expected to make appropriate choices on addressing various situations. In this model, the president acts as both a facilitator of change as well as providing coherence, direction and support critical to handle multiple national goals. The model appears useful in articulating both the self-reliant and minimalist presidency models to promote effective outcomes. The models strong areas include the presidents ability to make choices despite having subordinates to handle other matters. It also serves as the most efficient model compared to the others[3]. Application of the Models to American Presidents Various American leaders exhibited the models described above during their reign. For example in the self-reliant model, President Franklin Roosevelt serves as the best example of the model. The president is recognized for his dedication in addressing challenges facing the citizens and was highly regarded. Roosevelt was an effective leader, self-confident and was committed to the public service. Besides, he possessed the required skills, appetite for knowledge and had a clear vision for the country. All the qualities and way of leadership fits the self-reliant model. The second model of minimalist presidency applies to President Ronald Reagan as the model transformed the US economy. Reagan understood the leaders role in preparing and protecting a model that appealed to most Americans up-to-date. He connected with the citizens by providing minimal powers as a president but rather empowering the subordinates ensuring equality[4]. The third model of strategic competence relates to different leaders such as Kennedy. His approach to leadership was influenced by his vision, decision-making styles and delegation of duties. For example, the president was engaged in foreign affairs and conceived a greater role as well as cooperating with others on administration. Conclusively, the leadership model adopted by any President has impacts on his performance as well as how he relates to the people. As witnessed in all the American Presidents, each has a unique model which also determined the progress of the country such as President Reagans model. References Edwards, George. Presidential Leadership: Politics and Policy Making. Stamford: Cengage Learning, 2014 Gaval, Kathleen Donahue. "Presidential Transitions: Presidents' Perspectives on Building the Senior Leadership Team." Order No. 3357490, University of Pennsylvania, 2009, (accessed June 16, 2016). Hald-Mortensen, Christian. "John F. Kennedy-Leadership Qualities That Moved A Nation." PhD diss., University of Pittsburgh, 2007. Nelson, Michael. The Presidency and the Political System, tenth edition. CQ Press, 2013. ISBN: 978-1452240435

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Celcom Background free essay sample

This problem usually occurs during a festivals month and also when there is a celebration. However, it is disappointing when Celcom telecommunication network facing this problem, they could not handle it properly. It had been revealed that Celcom has already noticed that the phone lines was down earlier in the morning but they still did not making any actions to solve this problem. This interruption had caused a sudden overloading and also loss of signal in some areas. It has been a daily issues for many of the mobile users regarding these sudden dropped calls. It may be a normal experience if it does not occur often. However, it had caused dissatisfactions and frustrated many of mobile phone users as this problems keep on happens without any actions taken by the Celcom Company. This problem is surely do not meet the company standard of quality of service and it will also make the users feels unhappy as they do not meet the company standard of quality of service and it will also make the users feels unhappy as they are receiving services which is not suitable with what they had being paid for. We will write a custom essay sample on Celcom Background or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As the compensations to the customers, Celcom show its appreciation by giving out some form of discount for customers who are experiencing sudden dropped call.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Work Experience Written Acount Essay Example For Students

Work Experience Written Acount Essay I sat and considered my choices for work experience carefully after I had heard I was to spend two weeks doing it. I thought of letting the school choose for me but quickly decided against it as I didnt think I could stand spending the time making tea. Many people mentioned vets to me as I have a love of animals however due to insurance policies I was forced to consider working with my parents. In fact it wasnt that awful, my mum worked at Edwin Lambert Primary School and I was curious to discover what working with children was like. I soon had a meeting with the classroom assistant and teacher of the Edwin Lambert Nursery. We will write a custom essay on Work Experience Written Acount specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I was very surprised that it was the nursery that had agreed to take me on as I expected to be in different primary classes, however, I soon got over the shock. Having come straight from school in a rush I must have looked a scruffy bag of nerves! Well thats certainly how I felt. They introduced themselves as Mrs Rusha and Mrs Bumford with a smile and a general pleasant attitude. The nerves Id felt before slowly disintegrated as I realized I would be in safe hands in the nursery. The nursery itself was fairly large with a green carpet and various tables and games scattered around. I was soon to discover that it was harder than it looked to find what you needed there! After I had been offered a tour and uncovered all the useful facts, I went home to wait out the last few days of school. On the morning of my first working day, I felt rather reluctant to leave the house! Although I wasnt nervous, I had a slight sense of looming dread that I was going to somehow embarrass myself during the coming weeks. I dressed in a black outfit which made my mum feel important enough to make constant sarcastic remarks about the school not being a funeral. However I rose above the immaturity and got to work to hear she had advised everyone to copy her jokes. Only an hour had gone since Id woken up and I was already embarrassed! I still wasnt sure what the routine was, so I was advised by Mrs Rusha to just communicate with the children and get to know them. When I heard this I imagined an easy and fun day playing with the children. How wrong could I have been? After a brief wait, the toddlers finally arrived and I was surprised to see how mature and organised they were. They all entered one by one, took their Velcro names off the wall and onto a chart (to show their attendance) then sat down silently on the carpet while their parents waved goodbye. I was stunned because at my nursery I had come in with my parents and screamed my head off when they left! I was still standing with my mouth wide open when I was introduced to everyone. The children didnt seem to notice I was even there but I was informed later on by another member of the nursery staff that so many people are involved in their lives that they dont take much notice. Although I was relieved, as I thought it would mean no emotional attachments, I was also quite disappointed because I knew my absence would not be missed by any of them at the end of my time there. After registration had been called it was official playtime for an hour. Playtime involved several tables set up with different activities that would help with certain subjects. For example on the maths table there could be plastic shapes for the children to play with or even simple counting games for them to do. Each table was changed every day to a set plan recorded the week before. .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae , .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae .postImageUrl , .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae , .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae:hover , .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae:visited , .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae:active { border:0!important; } .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae:active , .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf8c665f853697919d81cd36bfed164ae:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Parenting Styles EssayI found it almost impossible to keep up with the plan. In fact I dont believe I actually managed to successfully change an activity on a table without annoying several teachers along the way! There was also a sand pit and water trough that was kept up everyday as they were extremely popular. Watching the children play was a great experience for me. The way they interacted with each other was like an alien language to me but it was very interesting and terribly sweet! I couldnt help but find myself getting absorbed into their innocent minds by chatting randomly about anything that had happened to them the day before. The time, however, did not seem to fly and I was more than happy when they were finally called to clean up and start their snack. Doing this was good for me as it gave me a job of cleaning all the sand from the floor and checking everyone was eating their fruit properly. This became a job I took on for myself everyday as I felt I wasnt given enough to do elsewhere. After snack everyone had to clean up to get an hours play in the adjoining garden before being able to go home. That was the routine I followed twice a day for the two weeks, as there was a morning and afternoon group.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

20 English Project Topics on the Relationship Between the Language and Culture

20 English Project Topics on the Relationship Between the Language and Culture Writing a project or an essay on the relationship between language and culture can be termed as one of the more difficult writing tasks out there due to the limited information on the subject matter. Therefore, to ease the troubles of anyone assigned with such a project, this article was written to provide you with a roadmap that can be followed right from the start to develop your own thoughts. But before delving into today’s topic, it is important for you to know that this is the second article in a 3 article series covering the relationship between language and culture. These three articles were written to provide you with facts, essay project topics and sample essays on how to go about working on your project. Now, the second article will help you choose topics on the relationship between language and culture for your essay. Lastly, included below is a sample essay chosen from the provided list and worked on to provide you with a realistic view of the task ahead. So sit back, relax and soak up the timely information contained here as it will serve you perfectly when working on any writing projects. Here are the topics: Discussing the Relationship Between Language and Culture Cultural Learning in Language Education The Relationship between Language and Culture and the Implications for Language Teaching How Does Culture Influence Language? The Role Culture Plays in Learning the Second Language The Role of Culture in Cross-Cultural Communication The Relationship Between Language, Culture and Gender The Relation Between Language, Culture and Thought The Role of Culture in Teaching and Learning Languages The Inseparable Link Between Language and Culture Language, the Individual, Society and Language How Culture Influences the Way We Speak Developing Cultural Awareness in Foreign Language Teaching The Importance of Teaching Culture in Foreign Language Classrooms Exploring the Relationship Between Language and Cultural Identity Symbols and Language in Human Culture Understanding the Factors that Influence the Acquisition of a Second Language The Effect of Environment and Culture on Language Development Is Language Acquisition a Cultural Process? How Culture Affects the Language Development Process of Children These are definitely some cool essay project topic on the relationship between language and culture for your project. Very important is the fact that most of these topics are quite easy to research and draft when the need arises. But if you are still at a loss on how to proceed, the next paragraphs will provide a sample article based on one of the topics on the list. The chosen essay topic is ‘The Role Culture Plays in Learning a Second Language’. As earlier stated, this essay is written with the aim of providing you with appropriate guidelines on how to easily draft an essay on any of the topics on the list above. Sample English Project: The Relationship Between a Language and Culture The National Centre for Cultural Competence defines the term culture as an integrated pattern of human behaviour that includes thoughts, communications, languages, practices, beliefs, values and customs as well as the expected behaviour of a racial, ethnic or social group and the ability to transmit the above to succeeding generations. This means that language is not just a part of how culture is defined but it also reflects culture. This means learning a second language is quite synonymous to understanding the culture that had born that language and this essay will attempt to shed more light on the roles understanding a society’s culture has to play in learning the language synonymous to it. Linguists and anthropologists have since stated that learners of a new or second language must acquire knowledge of the culture for this gives them insight into the use of certain terminologies and the intonations that go appropriately with them. This simplifies communication for the learner as it ensures that he or she uses the right expressions when greeting, making requests and concurring or disagreeing with someone. Such in-depth understanding eliminates the possibility of accidental misunderstandings or fracas occurring due to the student’s poor command of the language. It is also a known fact that language is the basis for communication. And communication is not just an exchange of information, but it is a highly cognitive and important activity that takes into context the social life and the lifestyle of a people. Therefore teaching cultural differences as well as what is acceptable by a culture to students learning a new language provides the learner with some perspective of how people from that particular culture view the world. For example, it is important that students understand how seriously position or seniority is viewed in France so they make use of the right pronouns when addressing people in authority when speaking in French. This cultural knowledge will provide students of the French language with the understanding needed to use the informal form of address ‘tu’ or the formal form ‘vous’ in an appropriate manner. The importance of culture has also been in highlighted by many foreign language teachers who believe that culture should be taught as a fifth language skill in addition to listening, speaking, reading and writing due to its role in understanding the expressions and terminologies of a language. These teachers also believe that when teaching a new language or culture to a set of students, the teaching process should be devoid of racism, superiority complex and any preconceptions or stereotyping. This is because such factors may affect the attitude of the learner towards the people from a particular culture thereby integrating a condescending attitude in the student’s speech patterns. In conclusion, learning a second language is one of the best ways to receive insight into the cultural way of life prevalent in a society. And this makes it important for students, to learn more about the culture that produced the second language they have considered learning. Here we come to the end of the second article in the Language and culture series and we believe this sample will provide you with the information you need to draft an excellent essay on today’s subject matter. References: Campbell, L. (1997). The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Dhur, K. (2004). General Introduction to Sociology: A theoretical perspective. Goode, T., Sockalingam, S., Brown, M., Jones, W. (2004). Infusing principles, content and themes related to cultural and linguistic competence into meetings and conferences. Maiga, C. (2004). Learning Culture and Language through ICTs: Methods for Enhanced Instruction 25-30. Crystal, D. (2002). The English Language 38-45. Brock, N. Nagasaka, Y. (2005). Teaching pragmatics in the EFL classroom? SURE you can! TESL Reporter, 38 (1), 17-26. Jiang, W. (2000). The relationship between culture and language, 54(4), 328- 334.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tourism Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tourism Management - Assignment Example Policies will frame the way in which tourists will be guided to behave and in what activities will be acceptable within a region. Policies provide a framework in which all the stakeholders can work, with an agreement on what the goals and objectives of the activity of tourism will fulfill. 2. Why might a major stakeholder not wish to participate in the policy process? Answer: If a policy conflicts with the goals of a stakeholder, or if being a part of the process is in conflict with the integrity of that process, the stakeholder might want to opt out of participating in creating policies. When the policy conflicts with the goals of the stakeholder, the option to participate and help form those policies is one way to gain advantages that are desired. However, if it is clear that policies will be in direct conflict with goals, the stakeholder may choose to not participate in the policy process, but find other means to accomplish those goals through circumventing those policies as oppos ed to participate and be held responsible for working within them. ... 3. How might tourism policy differ from countries, states/provinces, and cities? Why might it differ? Answer: Different internal policies between different governing parties will change how tourism policy will vary. As an example, a country that is developing and in a state of economic hardship might put the needs of its immediate needs of its people well above the needs to develop high levels of sustainability. Today’s starvation might be a higher priority to tomorrow’s environmental peril. Another region may need to preserve their natural resources in order to sustain the tourism industry and put high levels of environmentally related policies into place. The nature of the policies that are developed will be in direct relationship to the overall benefits that those policies will provide. The nature of success needed will have the greatest impact on the nature of the policies. 6. What is the difference between a tourism policy and a tourism strategy? Answer: Tourism po licy is a framework within which a strategy is created. The policy, for example, might be to protect a region and preserve the natural environment from damaging types of intrusion. A strategy might be to create structured tours in order to encourage tourists to experience the area without harming its natural ecosystem. The policy is the rule, the strategy is how the rule is used to create benefit. 10. Must there be total consensus by all stakeholders on the content of a region's tourism policy? If not, how would you determine if there was adequate support for the different components of a policy? Answer: There are two sides to the answer to a question concerning policy. One answer will benefit the stakeholder, while the other will benefit the environment that it

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

World Religions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

World Religions - Essay Example No less important difference between the two Christian denominations is relevant to the question of salvation. Protestants often say that faith is the primary and fundamental way for the salvation of man. Faith is the path that opens the way to the grace of God. Unlike Protestants, Catholics are inclined to say that despite the fact that faith is essential for salvation, it cannot be seen as the only way to salvation. In this respect, faith is not enough. Catholics consider â€Å"justification as a process, dependent on the grace you receive by participating in the Church --- which is seen as a repository of saving grace† (Rosario). As noted above, the differences between Catholicism and Protestantism are also manifested in the ritual area. In particular, the ritual of the Eucharist has a different interpretation in the denominations. Catholics insist on the doctrine of transubstantiation. According to this doctrine, the edible ritual elements used during the Eucharist should be seen as the literal embodiment of the body and blood of Christ. In turn, Protestants use the doctrine of consubstantiation, that is, they believe that the body and blood of Christ coexist along with the bread and the wine (Rosario). In comparison with the Protestants, Catholics give special importance to various saints, including the Virgin Mary. â€Å"Roman Catholics see veneration, not as praying to the Saints and the Virgin Mary, but as praying through them† (Rosario). Unlike Catholics, Protestants emphasize the direct communication with God.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The gender gap in rates of offending is closing. Critically evaluate Essay

The gender gap in rates of offending is closing. Critically evaluate this statement - Essay Example It is therefore easy to note a difference in the rate of offending between genders. Further it has been suggested that as a result of liberation of women, crimes that were mostly perpetrated by men are now committed by women (Rennison, 2009). This observation is said to be true in urban areas as opposed to rural; developed countries as opposed to developing countries and in races where the level of equality between men and women is high (Chesney-Lind, 2004). In countries such as England statistics show fewer female offending (Office for National Statistics, 2004). There are various theories advanced to explain this phenomenon. To a greater extend the reasons fit traditional theories on crime. Nevertheless, due to relationships, background and upbringing women find themselves in criminal activities. For example a girl who has a boyfriend trafficking drugs or in violent crime may find herself in the same situation (Chesney-Lind, 2002). It also applies to a wife who husband is a gang me mber. The former may get involved in crime for emotional and relational reasons (Chesney-Lind, 2004). In addition women in abusive relationships are more likely to commit violent crimes. Most cases of homicide originate from abusive relationships (Miller, 2001). â€Å"Crimes of a passion† are no different. These among other similar crimes are committed in developed countries where there is greater accessibility to weapons. The issue of whether or not the gap is closing is debatable. However according to official statistics the rate of female offending has increased in minor crimes (Merolla, 2008). Men however continue to dominate in all serious crimes (Steffensmeier D., et al., 2006). According to traditional theories the level of offence is less in women compared to men due to a number of reasons. First, learning theories allege that females are not so much exposed to the dictates of their peers (Barry, 2007). They are rarely influenced by

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Environment And Effect On Human Health Environmental Sciences Essay

The Environment And Effect On Human Health Environmental Sciences Essay Polychlorinated Biphenyls are a group of manmade chemicals. They make up a group of two hundred and nine individual chlorinated biphenyl rings, known as congeners. In the concentrated form, PCBs are oily liquids, oily solids, and clear to yellow in color.(EPA, 2012). They have no smell or taste. (EPA, 2012). They are very stable mixtures that are resistant to extreme temperature and pressure. They have a low degree of reactivity. PCBs are not flammable, have high electrical resistance, and are good insulators.(Barbalace, 2002) PCBs were seen as an industrial breakthrough, because of its chemical properties. Before their ban in 1979, Polychlorinated biphenyls entered the environment during their manufacture and us in the United States. The organic chemicals were first manufactured by Monsanto in 1929. Prior to their ban, PCBs were used in hundreds of industrial and commercial applications, as electrical insulators. Uses for PCBS included transformers, electrical equipment, hydraulic fluids, oil based paint, carbonless carbon paper, compressors, heat transfer systems, pigments, adhesives, liquid cooled electric motors, fluorescent bulbs, cable insulation, plastic, and the list goes on.(EPA, 2012). Domestic uses included cereal boxes and bread wrappers. Because of its role in prevent fires and an explosion, the chemical was required by fire code. PCBs were seen as the ideal insulator for companies and consumers. The qualities that make PCBs wanted by consumers and companies are also the ones that make it hazardous to the environment and human health. PCBs high thermal and chemical resistance means they do not break down easily when exposed to heat or chemical treatments causing it to be hard to get out of the environment. Since they do not break down they remain in the environment and continue to build up. Today, the chemicals can still be released in the environment through spills, leaks, and improper disposal and storage. More than half of the PCBs produced during 1929-1979 have been released into the environment. (Barbalace, 2012). Although PCBs are no longer commercially manufactured or widely used , there are still ways people can be exposed to concentrated Polychlorinated Biphenyls. The most common exposures include through food, surface soils, drinking and ground water, indoor air, and in the workplace. PCBs are an organic pollutant. Companies that used the substance contaminated the environment through its uses and disposals. In 1935, the Monsanto Company purchased the Theodore Swann chemical company and began manufacturing PCBs in the United States. Monsanto continued to produce PCBs at its Anniston plant until 1971.(Lyons, 2004). During its forty years of manufacturing PCBs as an electrical insulator, the Monsanto Company flushed tens of thousands of pounds of PCBs into nearby creeks and buried millions more pounds in a hillside landfill. (Lyons, 2004). The Monsanto Company was sued by thousands of current and former residents of Anniston, who claim the company was aware of the dangers posed by PCBs and actively schemed to hide this information from the nearby public. (Firestone, 2002). In 1966, Monsanto managers discovered fish near the waste sites turned belly side up spurting blood and shredding skin, within ten seconds of the PCBs disposal.(Firestone, 2002). The company hid t heir findings. In 1969, fish were found with 7500 times the legal PCB level.(Grunwald, 2002). Company records reveal the companys decision that there was no reason to go to expensive extremes in limiting discharge form the plant.(Grunwald, 2002). The company was ordered to pay $53 million in cleanup cost and agreed to a global settlement involving current and future cases in Alabama.(Lyons, 2004). There are numerous known contaminated sites around the U.S. Among the most dangerous of these,  is the Hudson River Valley. In 1947-1977, General Electric (GE) began dumping PCB in the river. By the ban in 1979, an estimated 1.3 million pounds of the synthetic chemical had entered the Hudson river. The Hudson River was contaminated with PCB pollution. Twenty years later, officials still have to deal with the environmental effect of PCBs in the bedrocks of the Hudson River. (Mele, 1998). PCBs are now found throughout the Hudson River ecosystem, in in sediment, water, and wildlife. (Mele, 1998). The spread of PCBs throughout the Hudson River and the food chain has created one of the most widespread, hazardous waste problems in the nation.  The EPA ordered the General Electric Company to pay 460 million dollars to dredge the PCBs it had dumped into the Hudson River. (Grunwald, 2002). The Environmental Protection Agency Prevention regulates PCBs through the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The Act bans the use, distribution, manufacture, and processing of PCBs. TSCA gives EPA the authority to develop and enforce regulations concerning the manufacture, use, cleanup, and proper disposal of PCBs. (EPA, 2012). Through the environment, humans came into contact with the chemical. Polychlorinated Biphenyls are linked to numerous health hazard. It has an acute toxic affect. Skin irritations can occur in people exposed to high levels of PCBs. Studies in the workplace suggest that exposure to PCBs may also cause irritation of the nose and lungs. PCBs are a probable human carcinogen. EPA ´s regulations on cancer-causing chemicals use the term `probable ´ when a chemical is known to cause cancer in animals and where there is evidence that suggests that it causes cancer in humans but which is not conclusive. Studies of PCBs in humans have found increased rates of cancer patients that may be connected to the synthetic chemical. PCBs are known to cause a variety of types of cancer in rats, mice, and other study animals. (EPA, 2012) Polychlorinated Biphenyls are linked to developmental effects. Proper development of the nervous system is critical for early learning and can have potentially significant implications for the health of individuals throughout their lifetimes. (EPA, 2012). Women exposed to PCBs before or during pregnancy can give birth to children with significant neurological and motor control problems. These problems include lowered IQ and poor short-term memory. (EPA, 2012). PCBs disrupt hormone function. PCBs with only a few chlorine atoms can mimic the body ´s natural hormones. PCBs are also thought to play a role in reduced sperm number, reformed sex organs, puberty, and altered sex ratios of children. PCBs with more chlorine atoms act like dioxins in altering the metabolism of sex steroids in the body, which change the normal levels of estrogens and testosterone. PCBs also upset the balance of thyroid hormones, which may affect the growth, intellectual, and behavioral development. (EPA, 2012). PCBs are found throughout the environment, and it may be impossible to avoid coming into contact with Polychlorinated Biphenyls. People can try avoiding contact with contaminated soils and sediments. (Wisconsin, 2012). Practice good hygiene habits. Limit their consumption of sport-caught fish. Wash fruits and vegetables before eating them. Also, if any member of the household works with old electrical equipment be sure the equipment is properly maintained and the area is well ventilated. (Wisconsin, 2012). Polychlorinated Biphenyls are a chemical that will not go away. The Environmental Protection Agency is trying their best to rid the environment of its effects. The characteristics of the synthetic drug cause it to be transported easily and hard to break down. The drug has caused damaged to the environment, and the people around the environment. Polychlorinated Biphenyls will have a lifetime effect on the environment and people. Sources Barbalace, Roberta C. The Chemistry of Polychlorinated Biphenyls.  : PCB, The Manmade Chemicals That Wont Go Away ( N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Aug. 2012. . Environmental Protection Agency. Polychlorinated Biphenyls.  EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 7 Sept. 2012. . Firestone, David. Alabama Jury Says Monsanto Polluted Town.  The New York Times. N.p., 23 Feb. 2002. Web. 7 Sept. 2012. . Grunwald, Michael. Monsanto Held Liable For PCB Dumping.  The Washington Post. Raw Food Info, 23 Feb. 2002. Web. 7 Sept. 2012. . Lyon, Steve. PCB Pollution in Anniston, Alabama. Reading.  Commonweal. Professor Raquel Pinderhughes. San Francisco State Unversity . Urban Studies and Environmental Programs, 2004. Web. 7 Sept. 2012. . Human Health Hazards PCBs and Your Health.  Human Health Hazards PCBs and Your Health. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Sept. 2012. . The Hudson River PCB Story A Toxic Heritage. Dir. Andy Mele. W. Alton Jones Foundation, 1998. Short Film.  The Hudson River PCB Story A Toxic Heritage. Web. 7 Sept. 2012. . What Are The Human Health Effects Of PCBs?  What Are The Human Health Effects Of PCBs?  N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Sept. 2012. .

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Nicolaus Copernicus :: essays research papers

Nicolaus Copernicus His Life:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout history people have always looked up at the sky and wondered about the universe. Some just wonder while others attempt to solve this mystery. One of the people who had endeavored to solve it was Nicolaus Copernicus.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Copernicus was born in the present day town of Torun, Poland in February of 1473. While still a young boy, Copernicus was put in custody of his uncle when his father died. His uncle made sure that his nephew got the best education they could obtain. This is how Copernicus was able to enter the University of Krakow, which was well known for its mathematics, and astronomy programs. After finishing in Krakow, he was inspired to further his education by going to the University of Bologna in Italy. While there, he roomed with Domenico Maria de Novara, the mathematics professor. In 1500, Copernicus lectured in Rome and in the next year, obtained permission to study medicine at Padua. Before returning to Poland, he received a doctorate in canon law from the University of Ferrara.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Copernicus lived with his uncle in his bishopric palace. While he stayed there he published his first book which was a translation of letters written by the 7th century writer, Theophylactus of Simocatta. After that he wrote an astronomical discourse that laid the foundation of his heliocentric theory; the theory that the sun is the center of our solar system. However, it was 400 years before it was published.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After leaving his uncle, he wrote a treatise on money, and began the work for which he is most famous, On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres, which took him almost 15 years to write. It is ironic that what he devoted a good part of his life would not be published until he was on his deathbed. His Theory:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To understand the contribution Copernicus made to the astrological community, you first need to understand the theory that had been accepted at the time of Copernicus.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The question of the arrangement of the planets arose about 4000 BC. At this time the Mesopotamians believed that the earth was at the center of the universe and that other heavenly bodies moved around the earth. This belief was synonymously know as geocentric. They believed this, but they had no scientific proof to support it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It was not until the 2nd century that the famous astronomer, Ptolemy, gave an explanation for the movement of the stars across the sky, that the geocentric theory began to become creditable.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  That was the theory that existed at the time of Copernicus. Copernicus was not the first one to come up with the idea of a sun-centered (heliocentric)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Microlite Case Study Essay

Microlite S. A. is a company in Brazil that manufactures alkaline and zinc-carbon batteries. In 1992 the company was faced with a reduction of tariffs on imported manufactured goods which would mean that the international competition would increase significantly. Luiz Pinto, who was a Microlite manager at the time, was faced with the opportunity to reduce labor and manufacturing costs by closing down the plant in Guarulhos and move production to the plant in Jaboatao. The choices that Mr. Pinto was faced with were to move the Guarulhos equipment to Jaboatao or to purchase new and faster equipment. Moving the Guarulhos equipment to Jaboatao would minimize the capital investment and also increase the workflow due to the reliability of the equipment. Purchasing the new equipment would require more capital investment but reduce labor and increase production. The new tariff reductions were set to be implemented in 1995 and the problems were that Mr. Pinto had to reduce labor and increase productivity in an effort to maintain the large share of the Brazilian battery market that it currently owned. One non-production issue that Mr. Pinto is faced with is from a financial aspect. One option presented to Mr.  Pinto is to purchase new Pan-Orient equipment. The investment in new equipment would be approximately $2 million. It is unknown from the case study how the $2 million would be paid or financed. This, however, would have an impact on the decision of the stakeholders on whether to accept this proposal or not. The Current Situation The current bottlenecks in the operation of the AA battery operation at Jaboatao are the steps â€Å"add paste to cup† and â€Å"inspect carbon rods. † These two steps operate below the required rate of production and would need to be corrected to improve productivity. In an effort to increase productivity, the Jaboatao plant should add one machine from Guarulhos dedicated to â€Å"add paste to cup† production. While this solution will increase productivity, it will also increase labor required to operate the machine and additional labor would be required to inspect carbon rods. If the two bottleneck problems in the process are corrected, this would bring production up to the required 540 units per minute. One concern to Microlite is the amount of downtime that is experienced in Jaboatao. One obvious way to decrease downtime would be to simply add more machinery from Guarulhos. This would increase productivity but the company is still faced with the increased labor costs associated with the additional machinery. If I were the manager of the Jaboatao plant, I would be faced with a difficult decision. I ultimately would not want the addition al machines due to the associated costs. Instead, I would research the differences in operations of the two plants and determine what is factoring into the additional Jaboatao downtime. I would use the information to re-train employees and educate them on the Guarulhos processes and procedures. Justification  If the Guarulhos machines are installed it can cure the bottleneck at the â€Å"add paste to cup† portion of the process. Increasing the machinery will allow for the production to be increased to 540 units per minute and the bottleneck is corrected. The secondary bottleneck, â€Å"inspect carbon rods,† would require additional labor. It is estimated that the process would require one additional employee to increase the production of inspecting the carbon rods. The additional machinery and manpower would adequately make up for 1/8 of the production from the Guarulhos plant. Purchasing and installing the new Pan-Orient equipment seems extreme due to the significant amount of capital funds required as an initial investment. Microtel did not appear to be heavily in favor of this decision and I would imagine that stakeholders would be weary of the large investment. Moving the equipment from Guarulhos appears to be the wisest choice as it is the least expensive and drastic. The additional funds that are saved could also be used on training and machine modifications to improve machine productivity. The difference in annual expenses is large but the amounts are offset by the initial investment of the Pan-Orient equipment (See exhibit). During my evaluation I determined that the ideal transition would be to move the equipment from Guarulhos to Jaboatao to increase productivity and reduce downtime in the process. The Pan-Orient equipment is a good investment for the future but does not appear to be the right decision now. There could be a smoother transition in the future by introducing the Pan-Orient equipment at later time.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Musical Education and The Laws by Plato

Musical Education and The Laws by Plato This essay will open with several important quotes from The Laws by Plato, for example: â€Å"It is least acceptable when someone asserts that music should be judged by pleasure. If there should exist somewhere such a music, it should be sought as the least acceptable; what should be sought as serious is music that contains a resemblance to the imitation of the beautiful1†.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Musical Education and The Laws by Plato specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There is another very interesting quote related to the definition of good music, namely, the Athenian stranger points out that the best music is the one that â€Å"pleases the man who is distinguished in virtue and education†2. These passages represent some of the Plato’s views on music, its evaluation, as well as importance for the city. Moreover, they can give us a good idea about Plato’s understanding of musical e ducation. First, one should say that this philosophical dialogue places emphasis on the importance of music for the development of a person. The Athenian stranger acknowledges that a person, â€Å"who is finely educated will be able to sing and dance†3. These skills have to be among the attributes of a person. Nonetheless, the main function of musical education is to channel or control the passions of an individual who must act a responsible citizen of the state. This is one of the reasons this text frequently makes connections between music and virtue. This discussion presented by Plato focuses on the effects of music on an individual, rather then skills. Furthermore, this philosophical work does not accept purely aesthetical view on art, and pleasure, which a person derives from it, is not the main criterion. Musical education must not focus only on performing skills; more likely, its purpose is to teach people to understand harmony and subsequently become harmonious. In th is context, such term as harmony can be interpreted as the agreement of opinion, action, and feeling. Hence, one can argue that music cannot be separated from moral education. This is one of the most important claims made in this dialogue. Nevertheless, this text does not identify the specific strategies of achieving the goals set by the author.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Moreover, such utilitarian interpretation of music may not be accepted by modern educators and musicians. Certainly, Plato’s dialogue does not focus only the music; however, this art occupies a very important place in this work. The second important aspect is the selection of music which is suitable for young people. The first quote presented in this essay can tell us much about the Plato’s views on musical education. This statement implies that the educators have to develop methods of a ssessing this art and decide what kind of music can be accepted or rejected. Judging from this dialogue, the selection of musical pieces must be entrusted to more or less elderly people who have achieved a significant status in the community and whose moral reputation cannot be questioned. This argument has very significant implications for musical education since it implies that not every kind of music is appropriate for educational purposes. The dialogue does not explain how these assessors of music will be trained and selected. Although, it is not explicitly stated by the author, this dialogue suggests musical education has to be under control of the state. This claim can certainly be disputed by contemporary readers of The Laws. The main issue is that this work does not explain who will educate the educators. This drawback can undermine Plato’s approach to musical or any other education. It should also be noted that at the time this dialogue was written musical education was closely tied to poetry4. This is one of the reasons why the discussion in the Laws often focuses on chorus singing. Thus, the educators must carefully choose the songs and verses that are suitable for the chorus. The Athenian stranger argues that these songs must be imitation of â€Å"noble†5 and good things. Again, this argument indicates that musical education must not be separated from morality and citizenship.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Musical Education and The Laws by Plato specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to this dialogue, the music has to represent a â€Å"close imitation of the beautiful†6. This statement suggests that there are some criteria for judging the aesthetic value of music. Yet, they are not properly specified. Therefore, modern day teachers can surely disagree with some Plato’s views on musical education. The key issue is that there are not strictly defined criteria distinguishing good music from bad music. Overall, the ultimate goal of musical education is to raise a person who is able to tame his/her passions and who always strives to rely on reason and arguments, rather than force or violence. Any form of aesthetic education must be subjected to the needs of the state and welfare of the citizens. This philosophical work tells us very little about the needs of an individual, and his/her emotional life. It is quite likely that The Laws will be criticized in the modern age of individualism. Admittedly, the ideas expressed in this treatise can surely be disputed by modern educators and musicians. There are several reasons for possible criticism. First of all, the author does not identify the specific criteria according to which one can evaluate music in terms of its appropriateness for educational purposes. For instance, one can point out that it is difficult to determine what kind of instrumental music can be appropriate for a young p erson. Secondly, the critics of Plato’s approach can argue that the evaluation suggested in The Laws is entirely subjective. Furthermore, modern composers and performers do not always reject purely aesthetic perspective of music. This work that we have discussed is aimed at connecting musical and moral education. It strives to single out the social roles played by music. This issue still remains interesting to modern musicologists and educators. Despite the fact that many arguments put forward in The Laws cannot be accepted nowadays, the questions raised by the author are still of great importance to educators. First, one still has to determine the goal of musical education, especially if we are speaking about children or adolescents. More importantly, many critics and performers still debate about the selection and evaluation of musical pieces, especially it is necessary to decide whether they are suitable for educational purposes.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To some extent, this debate can be traced to this work by Plato. Finally, we need to mention the main claim advanced in this philosophical treatise, namely the importance of musical education of the life of the community and virtuous behavior. Bibliography Lippman, E. A History of Western Musical Aesthetics. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1994. Plato. The Laws. Translated by Thomas Pangle. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1988. Footnotes 1 Plato, The Laws, trans. Thomas Pangle. (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1988), 50 2 Ibid, 39 3 Ibid, 34 4 Lippman, E. A History of Western Musical Aesthetics. (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1994), 10. 5 Plato, The Laws, 53 6 Plato, The Laws, p 50

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Michelangelos Inne Tomb of Julius II essays

Michelangelos Inne Tomb of Julius II essays In 1505 Pope Julius II called upon Michelangelo to come to Rome and construct his tomb. Michelangelo was a well known artist at the time and although he was hesitant to take the job, he knew it was a chance for him to built a monument that he hoped would be remembered not only as tomb for a great leader, but as a representation of his genius as a sculpture. Little did he know that it would be a project that would take him over forty 5and Julius II were both men with forceful personalities, big plans, and personal goals which they hoped to accomplish throughout the construction of the tomb . The two men came into conflict over the plans of the tomb and there were many times when the project was suspended because Michelangelo became so frustrated that he returned back to Florence where he wanted to complete the project on his own . Michelangelo worked on many other projects while he continued work on the tomb and it was not completed for over 30 years after the death of Julius II. Today the tomb not only stands as a representation of the change in artistic style of Michelangelo but is also a reflection of the character and sentiment of Michelangelo during the time in which he worked on the Tomb. Figures like that of Moses and the slaves act as a representation of the frustrated sentiment that Michelangelo felt towards the project and its patron. The figures reflect his growth as an artist during the forty years of the tomb and those of Leah and Rachel stand as a representation of the mature sentiment and style that Michelangelo grew into over time. The tomb was no longer a grand monument but a personal battle for Michelangelo who did not finish it for the people, but for himself, as he believed that the masses were without judgment and always liked that which they should despise and criticize that which is highest of worth . It is a reflection of his pure sentiment, growth, and inner struggle as an artist during this t...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Community Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Community Project Management - Essay Example These members are responsible for electing the management committee. The management committee looks after all the activity of the community based organization. This management committee is responsible for legal matters, financial position of the organization, & providing of good quality of service. So if we analyze all the organization listed above, we find that these organizations are working for helping the community as & when required. These organizations are big organizations and having large number of members. Members play an important role in helping the people who are in need. Members of these organizations are also responsible for providing good quality of service. These organizations are also known as non profit organization. The management of these non profit community organizations is known as community project management. Designing & implementation of community project management is depending upon the type of community organization. Following factors affects the designing of a community project management: (Reference 1, Page No.-60). 1) Organization size: The size of community organization plays a vital role in designing and implementation of community project management. As the size increases the community project management becomes more critical & difficult to manage. 2) Technology used: During designing of community project management one should take ca... As the size increases the community project management becomes more critical & difficult to manage. 2) Technology used: During designing of community project management one should take care of the recent technology used by the community organization. On the basis of technology used by the organization, designing of community project management takes place. 3) Operating environment: Operating environment is also a crucial and important factor in community project management. Operating environment means the environment in which the organization is operating. During designing one should take care of operating environment, so that the future problem with the environment can be minimize. 4) Sources: The sources of the services should be taken into consideration while designing the community project management. During designing one should take care of the availability of the sources. The sources which are easily available and of good quality are taken into the consideration while designing community project management. 5) Strategy: Strategy of the community also helps in designing of community project management. Following three type of strategy used in the community organization a) Long term strategy b) Short term strategy c) Middle term strategy. So while designing the community project management, strategy should be taken into consideration for optimal utilization of resources available. Project Life Cycle (Reference 1, Page No.-55). While designing the community project management we should know the life cycle of the project. Without the study of project life cycle, we can not design the community project management. Following components are very important in project life cycle: 1) Project Requirement 2) Designing 3)

Friday, November 1, 2019


COMPARATIVE BUSINESS ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - Essay Example Many companies across the globe have attempted to adapt their social responsiveness and the way they relate to varied social responsibilities (Windsor, 2006, p. 95). Macdonald is one of the companies that have made significant efforts of adopting business ethics and corporate social responsibility in order to achieve competitive advantage in the global competitive business environment. Although MacDonald Inch have attempted to change their leadership and operational styles through employing effective organisational strategies, the corporate has faced numerous challenges including criticism from the public and also faced legal issues for manufacturing unhealthy foods; thus a failure to conduct business in ethically and socially responsible manner. Company Overview MacDonald Corporation has undergone varied leadership and operational changes since its inception, in 1937. The company has a long standing history and it has built customer loyalty because of its continued dedication to cus tomer services as being reflected in their customer focused approach. The business is among the leading and high competitive global food industries with more than 34, 000 restaurants serving over 70 million customers globally. The company employs unique business strategies of manufacturing what their customers wants; thus their marketing and operation strategies such as being committed in key success areas including cost efficiency, product promotion and product development have enabled the company to sustain their business in the competitive business world. Despite being able to obtain a position as the leader in the competitive food industries, the company has recently faced numerous issues due to managerial failure; thus posing the company into threats of sustaining a competitive advantage in the market. The company is faced with the issues of staying competitive in the fast food industry and the way it can take competitive advantage for varied opportunities available for them; t hus posing threats to effective business performance. Project Aims/ Objectives The aim of the research projects is to critically analyse the significant of comparative business ethics and social responsibility in the MacDonald Company. The objectives of the research include; The project attempts to analyse the significant of conducting business in a socially responsible and an ethical manner in MacDonald Company. To offer detailed analysis of the company in an attempt of employing comparative business ethics and social responsibility as way of achieving business advantage in a competitive business world. To examine or identify problems that has impacted MacDonald Company especially the failure to conduct their business in an ethical and socially responsible manner. To provide effective recommendations vital for enabling the company to continue sustaining their business in the competitive business world. Problem Identification The case for corporate scandals for dealing with manageri al failure has attracted public interest on social responsibility of the corporation towards society. MacDonald Inch is one of the companies that have attracted the government and public interest because of varied scandals especially the issue of manufacturing unhealthy

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Case study 2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Case study 2 - Coursework Example Taking into account the inferences drawn from the SWOT analysis, a comparative analysis of Zara and H&M have been conducted so as to provide Caifu with rational suggestions and recommendations to select either Zara or H&M, when opting for collaboration in the targeted European market. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Introduction 4 Company Profile 5 Zara 5 H&M 6 SWOT Analysis of Zara and H&M 7 Zara 7 H&M 9 Comparative Analysis of Zara and H&M 11 Conclusions and Recommendations 12 References 13 Introduction Since the past three years, globalisation has evidently ignited a more advanced and internationalised fashion sense and has diverted the customers towards the fashion industry by a substantial extent. Consequently, cultural values, consumer changing purchasing behaviours, consumer preferences, and willingness of purchase towards fashion merchandises has been the most critical issues faced by the contemporary managers today, in the retail sector of the industry. Based on the fa ct, the contemporary organisations have been largely observed to implement customer-centric market strategies to improve and attract the purchase behaviours of the consumers on the way to the fashion products (Bianchi & Birtwistle, 2010). In addition to these contributing factors, fashion shows in television, fashion advertisements, promotion of fashion apparels by celebrity models and superstars, in-store displays of fashionable clothes and organising fashion events in urban shopping malls have developed the consumer fashionable behaviours among consumers and thus can be regarded as another driving force in the industry since the past three years. Such kind of interactive and attractive marketing strategies of fashion apparels have shown junction of traditional and contemporary values (Rajagopal, 2012). Another the prime driver of the consumer behaviour towards the fashion apparels is the dominance of the social interactions. The relationship between the apparels and identity has c ome out as the result of various social interactions. In other words, apparels have become an opportunity and medium to represent individuals as a new identity of the person within the past few years (Pentecosta & Andrewsb, 2010). Additionally, the strategy of the younger generation of fashion fanship and impulse buying to stand apart from their predecessors and other fellow consumers also act as a driver towards the divergence of the fashion industry (Holmberg & Ohnfeldt, 2010). Also the buying patterns of the consumers have shifted from low-pricing brands to high brand fashion markets that have been established in to family environment, which also act as a few noteworthy driving forces in the industry to change consumer behaviour (Pentecosta & Andrewsb, 2010). It is worth mentioning in this context that the way an organisation manages these driving forces, determine their strengths and weaknesses in the current fashion retailing industry context. Accordingly, in this paper, a comp arative evaluation of Zara and H&M will be conducted with the intention to suggest Caifu regarding its further initiative of collaboration with either of these retail brands to penetrate the European market. Company Profile Zara Zara was founded in 1975 by Amancio Ortega Rosalia Mera as a Spanish company situated in Arteixco, Galicia. It is one of the largest international fashion retailers, which operates under

Monday, October 28, 2019

Memory of Lizzie Comparitive Essay Essay Example for Free

Memory of Lizzie Comparitive Essay Essay Blue Remembered Hills was originally written for television in 1979 before the writer, Dennis Potter, created a stage version in 1984. Potter based the storyline on his nostalgic views on childhood and the transition from infancy to adulthood. The play is set in the West Country during World War Two, where seven children have been evacuated. The audience gains an insight into a childs life in the 1940s and how the individual and very different characters interact with each other. The play ends tragically with the death of Donald, a child abused by his mother and tormented by the other children. A Memory of Lizzie is based on the famous trial in American history where Lizzie Borden was accused of killing her stepmother and father on the 4th of August, 1892. One of the main factors of the play that makes it so original is that it was written to portray Lizzie Bordens potential character and how she interacted with other people as a child. By creating a younger version of the murderess, the audience can see how this cruel and very much neglected child came to commit such horrific murders. The play is set in an American school playground in the 1870s and focuses on how the children react to Lizzie and vice versa. One of the main similarities between the two plays is that the cast of the play are children, although in Blue Remembered Hills adults act out the roles of the seven children. A theme conveyed through both plays is that of bullying and social rejection. Lizzie is ridiculed by the remainder of the group possibly because the groups jealousy of her familys wealth or perhaps her need for attention as a result of the absence of attention at home from her stepmother. However, Donald is isolated from the group mainly because of his physical appearance. . He is described by Potter to be splay-footed, timid, anaemic-looking boy. Although callously, the children use the fact that he is abused by his mother as another route of inflicting anguish on him. Both of the central characters, Donald and Lizzie, have a very distant relationship with their mothers; or in Lizzies case her stepmother. The children in Blue Remembered Hills speak of Donalds mothers unconventional lifestyle, Our mam says hers a bit of a thing Something to do with the sheets, yet Donald does not once bring her into conversation as he fears her; and becomes reclusive when any one of the children begin to taunt him about her. However, Lizzie is very open about her hatred for her stepmother All stepmoms are evil. Both plays deal with the theme of murder and each of the writers use minor events as a significant premonition of the horrific events that are to occur. Blue Remembered Hills shows the boys murdering an innocent squirrel for the amusement, yet it leads the manslaughter of Donald at the end. A Memory of Lizzie in its entirety is a premonition of what Lizzie will come to perpetrate. The slaughter of Rachels doll at the end of the play shows prominent signs of how this potential to commit such a murder would intensify. There is, however, a significant difference between these two cases of death; the children in Blue Remembered Hills felt remorse for the manslaughter of Donald and were almost in denial that it had even happen, yet Lizzie felt no sense of wrong-doing in the slaughtering of the doll and is portrayed to the audience as though she felt she achieved something from it. However the other characters isolated themselves from her behavior once the realization came upon them of what a twisted thing she was doing. This is very different to Blue Remembered Hills as all the children were to blame for Donalds death as they all were a part of the joke. The lifestyles of the children in the plays are very diverse. The children of Blue Remembered Hills are living at the time of the war; so the preponderance of the childrens games and talk revolved around the fear and excitement of the war. They also use the concept of war as a basis of their entertainment, particularly when the klaxon sounds and instead of returning home, they decide to hide in case the prisoner of war they created in their imaginations comes looking for English blood The children also take on the mannerisms of their parents, particularly when they are playing house in the Barn and Angela is imitating her mother. On the other hand, Lizzie Borden appears to be of a higher class than the other children because of her familys wealth, Just cos shes a Borden thinks she owns the whole place. Lizzie uses her wealth as a way of gaining power and often trys to control the other children. The other characters feel particularly degraded and insulted by this, Just like we was your servants or something

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Garden State Essay -- essays research papers

Garden State by 'Pipsorcle' Andrew Largeman's (Zack Braff) journey throughout "Garden State" seems to be a testament on the meaning of liberation. Going from his struggling acting life in Los Angeles to his hometown in New Jersey, where he witnesses his mother's funeral, Andrew is in the mist of confronting difficult issues. One of the biggest issues is coming to terms with his psychologist father (Ian Holm), whom he has distanced himself from for many years because he has put him on powerful antidepressants for most of his life. The reason for this I will not reveal but it has caused Andrew to feel as if his father has controlled his life in a way. In showing how Andrew Largeman finds himself again, "Garden State" makes a good choice in putting him in every one of its scenes. Since this film is really about Largeman, because he is in every scene, we see a progression in his character as time goes on. At the beginning, we sense that Andrew feels rather numb and alienated but then as the film progresses, he becomes more energetic and liberated. This gradual change in his character is highlighted clearly in the cinematography, a key method in showing Andrew's psychological state. For a directorial debut, I must say Zack Braff has given me a completely different impression than from his regular role in the "Scrubs" TV series. One might think that for a directorial debut coming from a TV actor would be uneven and at best, formulaic and uninspired. That's not the case here with "Garden State." Braff shows he knows how to handle directing and storytelling yet at the same time, showing a vision that clearly establishes himself as an auteur. Examples of this are the tense moments when Andrew is around his father. A lesser film would go for theatrics and end up being very talky in dialogue, but instead, Andrew and his father's moments together are more subtle. Whenever we see both of them together, they talk but when they talk, their relationship is forced. There's a sense of silence at times, which shows they feel uncomfortable seeing each other after the lack of good communication for about a decade. Of course, one might think that from the way I'm describing "Garden State" so far, the film is on the more serious side. It's actually more funny than serious but even describing the film as a comedy wouldn't do ju... ... selling his invention of soundless Velcro and now trundles down the corridors of his unfurnished McMansion in a golf cart. Another buddy, Mark (Peter Sarsgaard), sells jewelry he acquires in a highly unusual manner. Braff also writes simple yet refreshing dialogue, with plenty of offbeat humor, yet none of it is strained, nothing is played self-consciously for laughs. Braff himself has a warm, easy-to-watch screen presence. He can say nothing during the lull in a conversation, while the camera remains focused on his face, and it feels right. Portman and Sarsgaard are also genuine, each wonderfully relaxed in their roles. Production design is superb: details in every scene are arranged well, and the photography, by Lawrence Sher, is - like the story and the acting – unpretentious, never distracting, tricky or cute. This film never seems to manipulate us; instead it engages us, arouses our curiosity and amusement, bids us gently to care about Andrew and Sam and even Mark, leaving us entertained in the best sense. This movie is as confident, as secure in itself, as comforting, as a well worn pair of house slippers or your favorite reading chair. A splendid film. Grade: A- (09/04)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Management and Leadership Essay

Abstract This paper describes the difference between leadership and management, followed by an examination of the role responsibility of leaders in creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture. It explains that a leader is someone who can offer a compelling invitation for others to take action, while managers manage and accomplish work through others. Today’s leader needs a multitude of characteristics but most important is the ability to develop a vision and to articulate it. This paper critically examines and articulates key conceptual and practical differences between leadership and management through an analysis of the differences in the form, function and influence processes which underpin these complementary organizational roles. It attempts to show that while management involves a key responsibility for leadership, effective management also needs to include the skillful application of other power bases which underpin the wider influencing tactics of effective leader ship. Management and Leadership Today’s organizations become more complex, more ambiguous, and more unpredictable. So how should managers and leaders respond to these challenges? Along with the world is changing constantly, everything has been changing, like the Internet and information revolution, globalization of economies, demographics and ageing population, decrease in new born babies†¦etc. Changing is the trend of development of society. All kinds of environment such as investing, marketing, financing and operating environment has been changing for organizations. Leadership and management are two notions that are often used interchangeably. However, these words actually describe two different concepts. Leadership is a facet of management and is just one of the many assets a successful manager must possess. Care must be taken in distinguishing these two concepts. The main aim of a manager is to maximize  the output of the organization through administrative implementation. To achieve this, managers must undertake the following functions: Organizing, planning, leading and controlling. A manager cannot just be a leader; he also needs formal authority to be effective. For any quality initiative to take hold, senior management must be involved and act as a role model. This involvement cannot be delegated. In some circumstances, leadership is not required. For example, self-motivated groups may not require a single leader and may find leaders dominating. The fact that a leader is not always required proves that leadership can be just an asset and is not essential for certain groups or organizations. Managers think incrementally, whilst leaders think radically. â€Å"Managers do things right, while leaders do the right thing† (Ikeda, 2003). This means that managers do things by the book and follow company policy, while leaders follow their own intuition, which may in turn be of more benefit to the company. A leader is more emotional than a manager. Men or women are governed by their emotions rather than their intelligence. Leaders stand out by being different. They question assumption and are suspicious of tradition. They seek out the truth and make decisions based on fact, not prejudice. They have a preference for innovation. Often with small groups, it is not the manager who emerges as the leader. In many cases it is a subordinate member with specific talents who leads the group in a certain direction. Leaders must let vision, strategies, goals, and values be the best guide-post for action and behavior rather than attempting to control others. When a natural leader emerges in a group containing a manager, conflict may arise if they have different views. When a manager sees the group looking towards someone else for leadership he may feel his authority is being questioned. Groups are often more loyal to a leader than a manager. This loyalty is created by the leader taking responsibility in areas such as: Taking the blame when things go wrong, celebrating group achievements, even minor ones,  giving credit where it is due. The leader must take a point of highlighting the successes within a team, using charts or graphs, with little presentations and fun ideas. Leaders are observant and sensitive people. They know their team and develop mutual confidence within it. â€Å"The leader is followed, the manager rules† (The University of Edinburgh, 1997). A leader is someone who people naturally follow through their own choice, whereas a manager must be obeyed. A manager may only have obtained his position of authority through time and loyalty given to the company, not as a result of his leadership qualities. A leader may have no organizational skills, but his vision unites people behind him. Management usually consists of people who are experienced in their field, and who have worked their way up the company. A manager knows how each layer of the system works and may also possess a good technical knowledge. A leader can be a new arrival to a company who has bold, fresh, new ideas but might not have experience or wisdom. Leading, often confused with managing, is the process of creating a vision and motivating people to achieve certain goals. On the other hand, managing is the process of organizing, planning, controlling, and leading; hence, leadership is a characteristic of managing but managing is not necessarily a function of leading. Often employees prefer employers to express roles of leading over those of managing. â€Å"If given the choice, most people would rather follow a leader than managed by a manager. To manage is to control and manipulate. To lead is to guide, influence and persuade. In today’s business world, both management and leadership skills are vital, but it’s important to use them in the proper manner – things are managed and people are led† (Iscoe, n.d.). For employers to be successful it is imperative that they distinguish the  difference between managing and leading and are able to express all functions of management (leading included), for if they do not profit maximization is hindered and failure inevitable. For leaders to influence others to become interested in their vision often they need to put some attention toward creating a healthy organizational culture. This is important because when an employee feels comfortable in their work environment it is more likely that they develop loyalty and interest for their employer. Unfortunately, due to costs and lack of regulating standards for creating a healthy organization culture many employers express unwillingness and look towards other creative means to improve employees health. â€Å"So many companies find it easier to try to ‘fix’ the employee than the organization. Focus on employees’ unhealthy behaviors – poor diets, smoking, lack of exercise. Promote self-management of health. That’s today’s typical ‘control strategy,’ but it does nothing to address the deeper organizational ills† (Johnson, 2001). Another creative way to maintain a healthy organization culture is to offer, at the employee’s expense, authorized absence (leave). This has been a common occurrence from those that I know who are in the Navy. Employers will allow an employee to take, at their own expense, additional time as needed off when stress levels are high. I believe that employers do this in attempts to avoid morale drop that could arise out of employees having health problems (some relating to stress). As far as leaders and managers having to be responsible for creating a positive work environment, it is by their own choice and in their best interest. They must make the cost-benefit analysis to decide if expenses are worth an increase in constitution of employees. Unless employers are literally doing something immoral to employees, a positive atmosphere can often be overlooked. In conclusion, leadership is an important function of management and is essential if one wishes to be triumphant. For my captain his leadership was enthralling to anyone that he met, making him and his crew more interested in furthering his career in the military. Creating pride in employees’ job and using your position as a leader or a manager to excel organizational  goals and influence employees to work towards positive goals either for themselves or the organization is my vision of healthy organizational culture. References University of Edinburgh (1997). The Difference Between Management And Leadership. Retrieved April 30, 2005 from: Ikeda J. (2003) Addressing the Leadership Crises: Clarifying Leaders’ Responsibilities. Retrieved April 30, 2005 from: Iscoe, S. (2004) Link to Success: Management Versus Leadership. Retrieved April 30, 2005 from: Johnson, D. (2001). Creating a healthy workplace for today’s stressed-out employees. Retrieved April 30, 2005 from:,2164,62212,00.html

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mean Girls

Celebrity Culture in Mean Girls Mean Girls, written by Tina Fey and directed by Mark Waters, takes Its viewers through high school from the perspective of Caddy Heron, a young girl who never known what â€Å"high school† genuinely meant. Upon arrival, she makes friends with Janis and Diana, who were in the stereotypical â€Å"unpopular† crowd. They warn her to stay away from â€Å"The Plastics†, an exclusive clique that includes three drama-filled girls who are superficial, spiteful, and have vicious attitudes that obtain their power and fame from beauty and glamour.However, â€Å"The Plastics† ask Caddy to Join them. Caddy, Janis, and Diana together plot against the leader of The Plastics, Regina George, the most monstrous of them all. In reality, the more time Caddy spends with The Plastics, the more she starts to actually become one. The Plastics themselves show how monstrous qualities are formed in celebrity culture, while the use of Caddy is the perfe ct example of how culture builds up celebrities to break them back down. The Plastics took Caddy, someone who was naive and candid, and turned her Into something she Is not through the manipulation of their own standards and rules.Celebrity culture heavily relies on qualities of manipulation. This was done through thru burn book, etc Rumors and lies are one are heavily used in manipulation. This is the epitome of celebrity gossip, shown in Mean Girls through Regina George. Regina finds out Caddy has a crush on Aaron Samuels, her ex boyfriend, and promises Caddy that she would talk to Aaron for her; however, Regina fabricates lies to Aaron; â€Å"She [Caddy] writes all over her notebook ‘Mrs.. Aaron Samuels'. And she made this tee-shirt that says, ‘l heart Aaron', and she wears it under all her clothes†¦She saved this Kleenex you used and she said she's going to do some kind of African voodoo with it to make you like her†. Evidence In nineteenth century litera ture Is provided In Frankincense, when Victor Frankincense manipulates his monster through lies: He tells his monster he would create a female companion for him, and afterward declares â€Å"Bygone! I do break my promise: never will I create another like yourself, equal in deformity and wickedness† and proceeds â€Å"to [tear] to pieces the thing on which [he] was engaged† (175).Both Regina and Victor broke their promises, developing a kind of behavior that is so focused on policing others, they almost seem to lose track of themselves; they are so busy broadcasting what they hate, and so focused on consumption of their rival with their loathsome fascination, they do not realize their own personalities turn monstrous. They become so engrossed in this idea, they are unable to distinguish that this hate they developed is the sole reason for their viciousness and misery.This happens when one must realize one's own identity Is crafted from the act of hating. It almost seems Like superficial celebrities In celebrity ultra love, yet hate, to be hated; yet they love the act of hating, and use this hate to surround their world. This kind of â€Å"high school† attitude filled with rumors and Lies that Regina possesses exists in the celebrity world, and if it continues, it will influence animosity and disgust, that a world of peace, accuracy, and love may no longer be accomplished. Another key to manipulation is secrecy.There are countless examples of this in Mean Girls. For example, the scene of The Plastics when they are all on the phone; When Gretchen was on the phone with Caddy, it turned out to be a three-way call with Regina, but Caddy didn't know. This complexity progress when viewers realize the girls are all interlinked, all on the phone with each other on separate lines; Karen gets a call from Regina, puts her on hold, and proceeds to talk to Gretchen and says, â€Å"It's Regina, she wants to hang out tonight but she told me not to tell yo u†.This is similar to the theme of secrecy in Frankincense: Victor states, â€Å"The world to me, is a secret, which I desired to discover† (26), â€Å"l have one secret, Elizabeth, a dreadful one; when revealed to you, it will chill your frame with horror† (218), and he refuses to tell the secret to his audience, telling them to â€Å"listen patiently until the end of [his] story, with which [he] is acquainted with† (44). This is similar to Mantilla, where â€Å"[her father] has a secret grief that destroys [them] both: but [he] must permit [Mantilla] to win this secret from [him]† (47).The fact that one possesses a secret, holds it vital, and purposely shields it from the world acknowledges a kind of unmoral sin, or practical wrongdoing; celebrities allow these secrets to internally eat them alive like in Frankincense and Mantilla, or whether it makes their behavior more aggressive eke in Mean Girls, these secrets have the ability to change and ma nipulate others. In celebrity culture, a secret is a form of power, yet vulnerability – a secret itself could stand for everything one can't see.The public blows these secrets up with crazy ideas and provides evidence with the theories they project onto it. The secret could mean nothing, yet everything, at the same time. This is because that a secret exists. It does not matter what the secret actually is, because the people who spread the knowledge of the secret form its monstrosity. The people have ample opportunity to take control, seceding as a whole or individuals whether they want to make up a rumor, lie, tell the truth, say nothing, or contribute to the situation.The people are monsters, because they take complete control over the situation. An example of this is all of Lord's â€Å"fans† who (most likely) made her miserable because they did not approve of the physical appearance of her boyfriend. [A concluding sentence is needed here] Manipulation is also acquir ed through self-pity, which is shown in Mean Girls with the Burn Book. The Burn Book, which belongs to Regina George, is a book essentially signed to bully her classmates: it has students' pictures with mean phrases, secrets, and other things about them.Regina takes her book, puts her own picture on it, and writes something mean about herself. She then reports it to her school's principal and says, â€Å"l found it in the girl's bathroom! It's so mean†. This is similar to when Victor seeks sympathy from Elizabeth in Frankincense: â€Å"If you knew what I have suffered from, and what I may yet endure, you would endeavor to let me taste the quiet, and freedom from despair, that this one day at least permits me to enjoy' (222).In The Complete Poems and Selected Letters of John Keats, in a short poem called â€Å"When I have Fears†, self-pity is asked for when Keats shows he is in pain, likes the pain, and wants to be acknowledged for his pain: â€Å"Of the wide world I stand alone, and think Till love and fame to nothingness do sink† (301). Just like Keats and Shelley, their own needs. Regina did this Just so she could get Caddy in trouble, Frankincense did this to make it look like it wasn't entirely his fault for the monster's actions, and Keats uses his fans' sympathy to become liked.The public falls into a part of this ultra, where one blames someone else; even the victims themselves get blamed for fault. Besides from celebrities' success, looks, and wealth, it is not uncommon for the public to condone that they are people, humans, Just like them. The public is essentially casting a negative eye upon themselves. Celebrities have people who work with them to help mold their image, but the impossible standards of beauty and perfection they try to fulfill originates from the endless, harsh scrutiny the public places upon them.When a celebrity breaks this image, or differs from the norm, they automatically are seen as monstrous, resulting in sneering and degrading comments from fans. This monstrosity on the celebrities has a counter-effect on the fans; every time there is a mean comment, they are normalizing harsh Judgment, extreme reactions, and offensive language. Celebrity culture takes the blame on how the public has developed a cruel society, through self-pity. Another quality of manipulation used in celebrity culture is feigning their own innocence; this is seen quite often in Mean Girls.Gretchen bullies Regina for violating the rules of their â€Å"girl world† by wearing sweatpants on Monday, and Regina lams she is forced to wear sweatpants because, â€Å"sweatpants are all that fits [her] right now', implying she is â€Å"innocent† because it is not her fault she has to wear those. Another scene is where Regina claims innocence is during lecture, (â€Å"workshop†), in the gym, after the Burn Book is discovered: Regina claims, â€Å"Can I Just say we don't have a clique problem at this sch ool, and some of us shouldn't have to take this workshops because some of us are victims in this situation? Regina implies she is â€Å"innocent†, and she herself is a victim. The teacher responds, â€Å"That's probably rue, how many of you have ever felt personally victimize by Regina George? † Actual innocence and feigning innocence is a huge role in Frankincense: though Victor blames himself for the monster killing his family, despite his creation, he convinces himself that he is â€Å"innocent† and expresses how he feels like the victim. Victor is a contradiction: he is innocent, yet, uses that to his advantage to feign his innocence.He is innocent because he has never intended his creation to turn into an actual form of monstrosity, but yet, feigns innocence by his hiding his guilt and hiding his knowledge about his family's deaths. Victor's innocence decreases over time throughout the novel; his â€Å"UN-innocent† behavior destroys the monster's inn ocence. Victor is performing an act that could be considered â€Å"monstrous† in manipulation by taking away the genuine innocence of one who was never given a chance to prove that innocence. At first Victor decides to â€Å"at least listen to [the monster's] tale† (105), but later on, he decides to â€Å"tore to pieces†¦ The thing on which the creature's] future existence he depended for happiness† (190), not giving the monster a chance to uphold its promise. Celebrities start out with genuine innocence, become corrupted, and may attempt to feign their innocence through their roles – However, once celebrities feign their innocence they are portrayed as â€Å"monstrous†, they are not given a chance to stick up for themselves properly without media and public interference. Lindsay Loan, off the set of Mean Girls, got into drugs, which could â€Å"feign innocence†, and assume that she had no role in her fans doing drugs.According to Good Charlotte, this kind of manipulation is the price of having a lifestyle of â€Å"the rich and the famous† (song lyrics). The most vital quality in manipulation is the key tactic in order to be able to get away with spreading rumors and lies, maintain secrecy, create self-pity, and feign illness. Control itself is the piece that connects all of these qualities. Throughout Mean Girls, there are many scenes were one of The Plastics are in control: At the talent show at school, Regina demands for Gretchen to switch sides with Caddy. When Gretchen protests, Regina says, â€Å"Right now you're getting on my last nerve.Switch! † Gretchen acknowledges this control by obeying. Caddy was also acknowledging control hen she fulfills Region's invite to eat lunch with them â€Å"everyday for the rest of the week†. In the beginning of the movie, Regina took control of Caddy social life. Halfway through, Caddy became the center of attention; she gained control of Region's previ ous fame and publicity and made it her own. The previous examples also hint at some aspect of control. Control is also seen in Frankincense, where the monster says, Mimi are my creator, but I am your master;-obey! (174). Victor chooses condone the monster, and the monster responds by taking control, killing all of Victor's family embers. Control in Charitable is implied when Geraldine takes on a role of masculinity: â€Å"lay down by the maiden's side: And in her arms the maid she took† (250-251). In The Major Works, â€Å"Farewell to a Lady' by Lord Byron shows how a woman's beauty takes control of his life: â€Å"In flight I shall be surely wise, Escaping from temptation's snare; I cannot view my Paradise, Without the wish of dwelling there† (1).By the word â€Å"flight†, viewers can assume he is going to commit suicide as a means to control the elimination of all ties with the Earthly Paradise's temptation. This kind of intro can relate to monstrosity and ce lebrity culture in a number of ways; first, one can see that the society of celebrity culture is so monstrously powerful, it is out of the control of the public to change it. Only the celebrities themselves have control of their own lives and culture and how they want to live it.Second, celebrity culture has so much control and influence over their audience, that they are not only controlling their own lives, but dominating American culture as a whole. By celebrities constantly sleeping with one another, taking part in the lies, secrecy, self-pity, and feigning their innocence inspires the public to act in the same manner. Third, by the news being so obsessed with the daily lives of celebrities, it almost implies as if they are encouraging the public to become more and more like celebrity stalkers.Lastly, they manipulate the public into believing their redefined definition of happiness, which solely consists of money, fame, and beauty. Rumors, lies, secrecy, self-pity, feigning inno cence, and control all tangle together to layer and overlap and form manipulation; celebrity manipulators do not only have control of their own world, but also wish to control the world of others. This allows them to occupy both worlds at the same time, with their rules, in their way: how much more control could a person possibly want?These qualities of manipulation in celebrity culture are allowing people to lose touch with things that are the most important in life, like friends and family. Celebrity culture is so controlling that it even takes over the roles of others. In Celebrity Culture: Are Americans Too Focused on Celebrities, Tompkins, a group an example of how celebrities are taking the roles of [super] heroes: â€Å"When I ask allege and high school students who their heroes are, they usually name celebrities, such as athletes or movie stars, not names that did something heroic or noteworthy. (Tompkins 4). Celebrity culture is now one of our prime sources of entertainmen t; ultimately, celebrity culture manipulates to control their audience's society in such a monstrous way so they are not able to distinguish the difference between genuine importance and the importance of celebrity news. One day, I fear genuinely important news, (politics, world news, emergency issues) will be ignored unless it is presented as a source of entertainment, like celebrity culture. Mean Girls Stacy Gregg Sociology M/W 11:30 Sociological Themes Sociology is everywhere we look, its everything thing we are, and can be described within everything we do. The traditional focuses of sociology have included social stratification, social class, culture, social mobility, religion, secularization, law, and deviance. As all spheres of human activity are affected by the interplay between social structure and individual agency, sociology has gradually expanded its focus to further subjects, such as health, medical, military and penal institutions, the Internet, and the role of social activity in the development of scientific knowledge.Looking through films you can see many sociological themes. I chose to look at â€Å"Mean Girls† and pull the sociological themes out. Mean Girls is a movie about a girl, Cady, who moves to the US from Africa and starts at a new school. She immediately befriends two outcasts, who explain the school's social scene. There are a group of three girls ( the â€Å"Plastics†) who are popular, malicious and rule the school. As a trick, these three girls befriend Cady.Her outcast friends encourage her to hang out with the Plastics to see what they do. But as she spends more time with them, she becomes more and more like them, backstabbing, mean, self-obsessed, and superficial. When Cady and the leader of the Plastics go after the same guy, she begins to plot their destruction, and starts sabotaging the girls in worse and worse ways. Eventually she separates from her original friends and her Plastic friends.When the entire school finds out about some of the terrible things the Plastics have said about them by finding a â€Å"Burn Book† everyone turns against the Plastics and Cady. Eventually, she must apologize to everyone she hurt and begin to find a way to become a better person. The first sociological theme I would like to address is stereotypes. A stereotype is defined as a widely held but fixed and oversimplified imag e or idea of a particular type of person or thing.Mean Girls portrays high school stereo types rather well, at school there are groups such as try-hards, wannabes, burn-outs, band geeks, nerds, the popular girls, the jocks and art freaks. All the girls wants to be a plastic so to speak and they all display it in different ways like how the girls who eat nothing are trying to be thin so they can be like the plastics, but the girls who eat their feelings are also trying to be a plastic but by eating they are showing I don’t care what anybody thinks of me, which is a popular trait.Then when everyone is explaining Regina George and one girl says â€Å"One time she punched me in the face†¦ It was awesome! † this implies that this â€Å"wannabe† made contact with Regina George even though it is contact most people don't what it is contact nonetheless which she hopes has passed on a bit of Regina George's popularity. References: (2011, 04). â€Å"Mean Girls† Analysis. StudyMode. com. Retrieved 04, 2011, from http://www. studymode. com/essays/Mean-Girls-Analysis-676080. html Mean Girls Celebrity Culture in Mean Girls Mean Girls, written by Tina Fey and directed by Mark Waters, takes Its viewers through high school from the perspective of Caddy Heron, a young girl who never known what â€Å"high school† genuinely meant. Upon arrival, she makes friends with Janis and Diana, who were in the stereotypical â€Å"unpopular† crowd. They warn her to stay away from â€Å"The Plastics†, an exclusive clique that includes three drama-filled girls who are superficial, spiteful, and have vicious attitudes that obtain their power and fame from beauty and glamour.However, â€Å"The Plastics† ask Caddy to Join them. Caddy, Janis, and Diana together plot against the leader of The Plastics, Regina George, the most monstrous of them all. In reality, the more time Caddy spends with The Plastics, the more she starts to actually become one. The Plastics themselves show how monstrous qualities are formed in celebrity culture, while the use of Caddy is the perfe ct example of how culture builds up celebrities to break them back down. The Plastics took Caddy, someone who was naive and candid, and turned her Into something she Is not through the manipulation of their own standards and rules.Celebrity culture heavily relies on qualities of manipulation. This was done through thru burn book, etc Rumors and lies are one are heavily used in manipulation. This is the epitome of celebrity gossip, shown in Mean Girls through Regina George. Regina finds out Caddy has a crush on Aaron Samuels, her ex boyfriend, and promises Caddy that she would talk to Aaron for her; however, Regina fabricates lies to Aaron; â€Å"She [Caddy] writes all over her notebook ‘Mrs.. Aaron Samuels'. And she made this tee-shirt that says, ‘l heart Aaron', and she wears it under all her clothes†¦She saved this Kleenex you used and she said she's going to do some kind of African voodoo with it to make you like her†. Evidence In nineteenth century litera ture Is provided In Frankincense, when Victor Frankincense manipulates his monster through lies: He tells his monster he would create a female companion for him, and afterward declares â€Å"Bygone! I do break my promise: never will I create another like yourself, equal in deformity and wickedness† and proceeds â€Å"to [tear] to pieces the thing on which [he] was engaged† (175).Both Regina and Victor broke their promises, developing a kind of behavior that is so focused on policing others, they almost seem to lose track of themselves; they are so busy broadcasting what they hate, and so focused on consumption of their rival with their loathsome fascination, they do not realize their own personalities turn monstrous. They become so engrossed in this idea, they are unable to distinguish that this hate they developed is the sole reason for their viciousness and misery.This happens when one must realize one's own identity Is crafted from the act of hating. It almost seems Like superficial celebrities In celebrity ultra love, yet hate, to be hated; yet they love the act of hating, and use this hate to surround their world. This kind of â€Å"high school† attitude filled with rumors and Lies that Regina possesses exists in the celebrity world, and if it continues, it will influence animosity and disgust, that a world of peace, accuracy, and love may no longer be accomplished. Another key to manipulation is secrecy.There are countless examples of this in Mean Girls. For example, the scene of The Plastics when they are all on the phone; When Gretchen was on the phone with Caddy, it turned out to be a three-way call with Regina, but Caddy didn't know. This complexity progress when viewers realize the girls are all interlinked, all on the phone with each other on separate lines; Karen gets a call from Regina, puts her on hold, and proceeds to talk to Gretchen and says, â€Å"It's Regina, she wants to hang out tonight but she told me not to tell yo u†.This is similar to the theme of secrecy in Frankincense: Victor states, â€Å"The world to me, is a secret, which I desired to discover† (26), â€Å"l have one secret, Elizabeth, a dreadful one; when revealed to you, it will chill your frame with horror† (218), and he refuses to tell the secret to his audience, telling them to â€Å"listen patiently until the end of [his] story, with which [he] is acquainted with† (44). This is similar to Mantilla, where â€Å"[her father] has a secret grief that destroys [them] both: but [he] must permit [Mantilla] to win this secret from [him]† (47).The fact that one possesses a secret, holds it vital, and purposely shields it from the world acknowledges a kind of unmoral sin, or practical wrongdoing; celebrities allow these secrets to internally eat them alive like in Frankincense and Mantilla, or whether it makes their behavior more aggressive eke in Mean Girls, these secrets have the ability to change and ma nipulate others. In celebrity culture, a secret is a form of power, yet vulnerability – a secret itself could stand for everything one can't see.The public blows these secrets up with crazy ideas and provides evidence with the theories they project onto it. The secret could mean nothing, yet everything, at the same time. This is because that a secret exists. It does not matter what the secret actually is, because the people who spread the knowledge of the secret form its monstrosity. The people have ample opportunity to take control, seceding as a whole or individuals whether they want to make up a rumor, lie, tell the truth, say nothing, or contribute to the situation.The people are monsters, because they take complete control over the situation. An example of this is all of Lord's â€Å"fans† who (most likely) made her miserable because they did not approve of the physical appearance of her boyfriend. [A concluding sentence is needed here] Manipulation is also acquir ed through self-pity, which is shown in Mean Girls with the Burn Book. The Burn Book, which belongs to Regina George, is a book essentially signed to bully her classmates: it has students' pictures with mean phrases, secrets, and other things about them.Regina takes her book, puts her own picture on it, and writes something mean about herself. She then reports it to her school's principal and says, â€Å"l found it in the girl's bathroom! It's so mean†. This is similar to when Victor seeks sympathy from Elizabeth in Frankincense: â€Å"If you knew what I have suffered from, and what I may yet endure, you would endeavor to let me taste the quiet, and freedom from despair, that this one day at least permits me to enjoy' (222).In The Complete Poems and Selected Letters of John Keats, in a short poem called â€Å"When I have Fears†, self-pity is asked for when Keats shows he is in pain, likes the pain, and wants to be acknowledged for his pain: â€Å"Of the wide world I stand alone, and think Till love and fame to nothingness do sink† (301). Just like Keats and Shelley, their own needs. Regina did this Just so she could get Caddy in trouble, Frankincense did this to make it look like it wasn't entirely his fault for the monster's actions, and Keats uses his fans' sympathy to become liked.The public falls into a part of this ultra, where one blames someone else; even the victims themselves get blamed for fault. Besides from celebrities' success, looks, and wealth, it is not uncommon for the public to condone that they are people, humans, Just like them. The public is essentially casting a negative eye upon themselves. Celebrities have people who work with them to help mold their image, but the impossible standards of beauty and perfection they try to fulfill originates from the endless, harsh scrutiny the public places upon them.When a celebrity breaks this image, or differs from the norm, they automatically are seen as monstrous, resulting in sneering and degrading comments from fans. This monstrosity on the celebrities has a counter-effect on the fans; every time there is a mean comment, they are normalizing harsh Judgment, extreme reactions, and offensive language. Celebrity culture takes the blame on how the public has developed a cruel society, through self-pity. Another quality of manipulation used in celebrity culture is feigning their own innocence; this is seen quite often in Mean Girls.Gretchen bullies Regina for violating the rules of their â€Å"girl world† by wearing sweatpants on Monday, and Regina lams she is forced to wear sweatpants because, â€Å"sweatpants are all that fits [her] right now', implying she is â€Å"innocent† because it is not her fault she has to wear those. Another scene is where Regina claims innocence is during lecture, (â€Å"workshop†), in the gym, after the Burn Book is discovered: Regina claims, â€Å"Can I Just say we don't have a clique problem at this sch ool, and some of us shouldn't have to take this workshops because some of us are victims in this situation? Regina implies she is â€Å"innocent†, and she herself is a victim. The teacher responds, â€Å"That's probably rue, how many of you have ever felt personally victimize by Regina George? † Actual innocence and feigning innocence is a huge role in Frankincense: though Victor blames himself for the monster killing his family, despite his creation, he convinces himself that he is â€Å"innocent† and expresses how he feels like the victim. Victor is a contradiction: he is innocent, yet, uses that to his advantage to feign his innocence.He is innocent because he has never intended his creation to turn into an actual form of monstrosity, but yet, feigns innocence by his hiding his guilt and hiding his knowledge about his family's deaths. Victor's innocence decreases over time throughout the novel; his â€Å"UN-innocent† behavior destroys the monster's inn ocence. Victor is performing an act that could be considered â€Å"monstrous† in manipulation by taking away the genuine innocence of one who was never given a chance to prove that innocence. At first Victor decides to â€Å"at least listen to [the monster's] tale† (105), but later on, he decides to â€Å"tore to pieces†¦ The thing on which the creature's] future existence he depended for happiness† (190), not giving the monster a chance to uphold its promise. Celebrities start out with genuine innocence, become corrupted, and may attempt to feign their innocence through their roles – However, once celebrities feign their innocence they are portrayed as â€Å"monstrous†, they are not given a chance to stick up for themselves properly without media and public interference. Lindsay Loan, off the set of Mean Girls, got into drugs, which could â€Å"feign innocence†, and assume that she had no role in her fans doing drugs.According to Good Charlotte, this kind of manipulation is the price of having a lifestyle of â€Å"the rich and the famous† (song lyrics). The most vital quality in manipulation is the key tactic in order to be able to get away with spreading rumors and lies, maintain secrecy, create self-pity, and feign illness. Control itself is the piece that connects all of these qualities. Throughout Mean Girls, there are many scenes were one of The Plastics are in control: At the talent show at school, Regina demands for Gretchen to switch sides with Caddy. When Gretchen protests, Regina says, â€Å"Right now you're getting on my last nerve.Switch! † Gretchen acknowledges this control by obeying. Caddy was also acknowledging control hen she fulfills Region's invite to eat lunch with them â€Å"everyday for the rest of the week†. In the beginning of the movie, Regina took control of Caddy social life. Halfway through, Caddy became the center of attention; she gained control of Region's previ ous fame and publicity and made it her own. The previous examples also hint at some aspect of control. Control is also seen in Frankincense, where the monster says, Mimi are my creator, but I am your master;-obey! (174). Victor chooses condone the monster, and the monster responds by taking control, killing all of Victor's family embers. Control in Charitable is implied when Geraldine takes on a role of masculinity: â€Å"lay down by the maiden's side: And in her arms the maid she took† (250-251). In The Major Works, â€Å"Farewell to a Lady' by Lord Byron shows how a woman's beauty takes control of his life: â€Å"In flight I shall be surely wise, Escaping from temptation's snare; I cannot view my Paradise, Without the wish of dwelling there† (1).By the word â€Å"flight†, viewers can assume he is going to commit suicide as a means to control the elimination of all ties with the Earthly Paradise's temptation. This kind of intro can relate to monstrosity and ce lebrity culture in a number of ways; first, one can see that the society of celebrity culture is so monstrously powerful, it is out of the control of the public to change it. Only the celebrities themselves have control of their own lives and culture and how they want to live it.Second, celebrity culture has so much control and influence over their audience, that they are not only controlling their own lives, but dominating American culture as a whole. By celebrities constantly sleeping with one another, taking part in the lies, secrecy, self-pity, and feigning their innocence inspires the public to act in the same manner. Third, by the news being so obsessed with the daily lives of celebrities, it almost implies as if they are encouraging the public to become more and more like celebrity stalkers.Lastly, they manipulate the public into believing their redefined definition of happiness, which solely consists of money, fame, and beauty. Rumors, lies, secrecy, self-pity, feigning inno cence, and control all tangle together to layer and overlap and form manipulation; celebrity manipulators do not only have control of their own world, but also wish to control the world of others. This allows them to occupy both worlds at the same time, with their rules, in their way: how much more control could a person possibly want?These qualities of manipulation in celebrity culture are allowing people to lose touch with things that are the most important in life, like friends and family. Celebrity culture is so controlling that it even takes over the roles of others. In Celebrity Culture: Are Americans Too Focused on Celebrities, Tompkins, a group an example of how celebrities are taking the roles of [super] heroes: â€Å"When I ask allege and high school students who their heroes are, they usually name celebrities, such as athletes or movie stars, not names that did something heroic or noteworthy. (Tompkins 4). Celebrity culture is now one of our prime sources of entertainmen t; ultimately, celebrity culture manipulates to control their audience's society in such a monstrous way so they are not able to distinguish the difference between genuine importance and the importance of celebrity news. One day, I fear genuinely important news, (politics, world news, emergency issues) will be ignored unless it is presented as a source of entertainment, like celebrity culture.